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Autor Wątek: Sterowiki Radeon  (Przeczytany 23618 razy)


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« dnia: 2005-08-04, 16:48:24 »
Mam problem z prawidlowa instalacja sterownikow FGLRX gdyz po zainstalowaniu i skonfigurowaniu poprzez komende FGLRXCONFIG nadal nie moge normalnie pograc. Ale zacznijmy od poczatku, wiec wchodze na root terminal i wpisuje sh uruchamia sie instalator daje Automatic i Next az do kiedy sie zainstaluja i prosza o to by je jeszcze skonfigurowac a przedtem zrobic kopioe zapasowa ustawien i tak wlasnie robie kopiuje sobie na zapas xorg.conf i ruszam do kolejnego kroku a mianowicie do wpisania komendy fglrxconfig. Wiekszosc rzeczy ustawiam tak jak radza (tresc pomiedzy [ a ] ) z wyjatkiem ustawien klawiatury i monitora ktore zmieniam nieznacznie (klawiatura polska, w monitorze zmieniam odswiezanie wzgledem rozdzielczosci ktorej uzywam). Gdy dobrne do konca i ustawienia Xorg sie zapisza restartuje Gnome poprzez wcisniecie naraz CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE i loguje sie ponownie na pulpit lecz cos tu nie gra gdyz jak zamierzam odpalic Q3 to pisze ze nie mam wsparcia dla OpenGL tak jakby sterowniki nie byly zainstalowane a w ATi Control mam Card Name i Chip Type jako Unknow co tez mowi mi ze cos jest nie tak ze sterownikami. Co do systemu i srodowiska posiadam Ubuntu z Gnome (najnowszy wersji numeru nie pamietam) wraz ze wszelkimi aktualizacjami i kilkoma dodatkowymi bibliotekami co by sobie multimedia poogladac ;) Karta jaka posiadam to R9550 (powinna byc wykrywana jako np. R6000 / RV350 o ile sie nie myle). Jestem poczatkujacy uzytkownikiem linuxa i jest to moja przesiadka z Windows na Linux a wiec jak zapewne sie domyslacie mam ochote pograc sobie w gierki z windows. Dodam jeszcze ze w Point2Play jak dalem test karty to te 3 trybiki (komendy na nie nie pamietam) kreca sie o wiele wolniej niz na oryginalnych ustawieniach jakie zaproponowal Ubuntu. Tak wiec prosilbym o jak najszybsza pomoc gdyz bardzo zalezy mi na mozliwosci grania chociaz w czesc gier na Linuxie, nie chce ogladac juz tego Windowsa, pomozcie nowemu bratu ;) Z gory dziekuje za wszelka pomoc.


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2005-08-04, 18:37:33 »
Fajnie by bylo jakbys podal jaki kernel uzywasz :)


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2005-08-04, 19:27:14 »
2005-08-04 18:37:33 greg000 napisał:

> Fajnie by bylo jakbys podal jaki kernel uzywasz :)

Alez nie ma problemu kernel posiadam  2.6.10


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2005-08-04, 19:29:52 »
I jeszcze podam caly plik Xorg.conf bo on tez pewnie moze duzo powiedziec.

# File: xorg.conf
# File generated by fglrxconfig (C) ATI Technologies, a substitute for xf86config.

# Note by ATI: the below copyright notice is there for servicing possibly
# pending third party rights on the file format and the instance of this file.
# Copyright (c) 1999 by The XFree86 Project, Inc.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
# copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
# to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
# the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
# and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
# Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Except as contained in this notice, the name of the XFree86 Project shall
# not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other
# dealings in this Software without prior written authorization from the
# XFree86 Project.

# **************************************************  ********************
# Refer to the XF86Config(4/5) man page for details about the format of
# this file.
# **************************************************  ********************

# **************************************************  ********************
# DRI Section
# **************************************************  ********************
Section "dri"
# Access to OpenGL ICD is allowed for all users:
    Mode 0666
# Access to OpenGL ICD is restricted to a specific user group:
#    Group 100    # users
#    Mode 0660

# **************************************************  ********************
# Module section -- this  section  is used to specify
# which dynamically loadable modules to load.
# **************************************************  ********************
Section "Module"

# This loads the DBE extension module.

    Load        "dbe"     # Double buffer extension

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
    SubSection  "extmod"
      Option    "omit xfree86-dga"   # don't initialise the DGA extension

# This loads the Type1 and FreeType font modules
    Load        "type1"
    Load        "freetype"

# This loads the GLX module
    Load        "glx"   # libglx.a
    Load        "dri"   # libdri.a


# **************************************************  ********************
# Files section.  This allows default font and rgb paths to be set
# **************************************************  ********************

Section "Files"

# The location of the RGB database.  Note, this is the name of the
# file minus the extension (like ".txt" or ".db").  There is normally
# no need to change the default.

    RgbPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)
# If you don't have a floating point coprocessor and emacs, Mosaic or other
# programs take long to start up, try moving the Type1 and Speedo directory
# to the end of this list (or comment them out).

#    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/local/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1/"
#    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi/"
    FontPath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/"

# The module search path.  The default path is shown here.

#    ModulePath "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"


# **************************************************  ********************
# Server flags section.
# **************************************************  ********************

Section "ServerFlags"

# Uncomment this to cause a core dump at the spot where a signal is
# received.  This may leave the console in an unusable state, but may
# provide a better stack trace in the core dump to aid in debugging

#    Option "NoTrapSignals"

# Uncomment this to disable the server abort sequence
# This allows clients to receive this key event.

#    Option "DontZap"

# Uncomment this to disable the / mode switching
# sequences.  This allows clients to receive these key events.

#    Option "Dont Zoom"

# Uncomment this to disable tuning with the xvidtune client. With
# it the client can still run and fetch card and monitor attributes,
# but it will not be allowed to change them. If it tries it will
# receive a protocol error.

#    Option "DisableVidModeExtension"

# Uncomment this to enable the use of a non-local xvidtune client.

#    Option "AllowNonLocalXvidtune"

# Uncomment this to disable dynamically modifying the input device
# (mouse and keyboard) settings.

#    Option "DisableModInDev"

# Uncomment this to enable the use of a non-local client to
# change the keyboard or mouse settings (currently only xset).

#    Option "AllowNonLocalModInDev"


# **************************************************  ********************
# Input devices
# **************************************************  ********************

# **************************************************  ********************
# Core keyboard's InputDevice section
# **************************************************  ********************

Section "InputDevice"

    Identifier   "Keyboard1"
    Driver   "kbd"
# For most OSs the protocol can be omitted (it defaults to "Standard").
# When using XQUEUE (only for SVR3 and SVR4, but not Solaris),
# uncomment the following line.

#    Option "Protocol"   "Xqueue"

    Option "AutoRepeat" "500 30"

# Specify which keyboard LEDs can be user-controlled (eg, with xset(1))
#    Option "Xleds"      "1 2 3"

#    Option "LeftAlt"    "Meta"
#    Option "RightAlt"   "ModeShift"

# To customise the XKB settings to suit your keyboard, modify the
# lines below (which are the defaults).  For example, for a non-U.S.
# keyboard, you will probably want to use:
#    Option "XkbModel"   "pc102"
# If you have a US Microsoft Natural keyboard, you can use:
#    Option "XkbModel"   "microsoft"
# Then to change the language, change the Layout setting.
# For example, a german layout can be obtained with:
#    Option "XkbLayout"  "de"
# or:
#    Option "XkbLayout"  "de"
#    Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys"
# If you'd like to switch the positions of your capslock and
# control keys, use:
#    Option "XkbOptions" "ctrl:swapcaps"

# These are the default XKB settings for XFree86
#    Option "XkbRules"   "xfree86"
#    Option "XkbModel"   "pc101"
#    Option "XkbLayout"  "us"
#    Option "XkbVariant" ""
#    Option "XkbOptions" ""

#    Option "XkbDisable"

    Option "XkbRules"   "xfree86"
    Option "XkbModel"   "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout"   "pl"


# **************************************************  ********************
# Core Pointer's InputDevice section
# **************************************************  ********************

Section "InputDevice"

# Identifier and driver

    Identifier   "Mouse1"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Protocol"   "ImPS/2"
    Option "ZAxisMapping"   "4 5"
    Option "Device"     "/dev/input/mice"

# When using XQUEUE, comment out the above two lines, and uncomment
# the following line.

#    Option "Protocol"   "Xqueue"

# Baudrate and SampleRate are only for some Logitech mice. In
# almost every case these lines should be omitted.

#    Option "BaudRate"   "9600"
#    Option "SampleRate" "150"

# Emulate3Buttons is an option for 2-button Microsoft mice
# Emulate3Timeout is the timeout in milliseconds (default is 50ms)

#    Option "Emulate3Buttons"
#    Option "Emulate3Timeout"    "50"

# ChordMiddle is an option for some 3-button Logitech mice

#    Option "ChordMiddle"


# **************************************************  ********************
# Other input device sections
# this is optional and is required only if you
# are using extended input devices.  This is for example only.  Refer
# to the XF86Config man page for a description of the options.
# **************************************************  ********************
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier  "Mouse2"
#    Driver      "mouse"
#    Option      "Protocol"      "MouseMan"
#    Option      "Device"        "/dev/mouse2"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "spaceball"
#    Driver     "magellan"
#    Option     "Device"         "/dev/cua0"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "spaceball2"
#    Driver     "spaceorb"
#    Option     "Device"         "/dev/cua0"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "touchscreen0"
#    Driver     "microtouch"
#    Option     "Device"         "/dev/ttyS0"
#    Option     "MinX"           "1412"
#    Option     "MaxX"           "15184"
#    Option     "MinY"           "15372"
#    Option     "MaxY"           "1230"
#    Option     "ScreenNumber"   "0"
#    Option     "ReportingMode"  "Scaled"
#    Option     "ButtonNumber"   "1"
#    Option     "SendCoreEvents"
# EndSection
# Section "InputDevice"
#    Identifier "touchscreen1"
#    Driver     "elo2300"
#    Option     "Device"         "/dev/ttyS0"
#    Option     "MinX"           "231"
#    Option     "MaxX"           "3868"
#    Option     "MinY"           "3858"
#    Option     "MaxY"           "272"
#    Option     "ScreenNumber"   "0"
#    Option     "ReportingMode"  "Scaled"
#    Option     "ButtonThreshold"    "17"
#    Option     "ButtonNumber"   "1"
#    Option     "SendCoreEvents"
# EndSection

# **************************************************  ********************
# Monitor section
# **************************************************  ********************

# Any number of monitor sections may be present

Section "Monitor"
    Identifier  "Monitor0"
    HorizSync   31.5-63.9
    VertRefresh 60
    Option "DPMS"

# === mode lines based on GTF ===
# VGA @ 100Hz
# Modeline "640x480@100" 43.163 640 680 744 848 480 481 484 509 +hsync +vsync
# SVGA @ 100Hz
# Modeline "800x600@100" 68.179 800 848 936 1072 600 601 604 636 +hsync +vsync
# XVGA @ 100Hz
# Modeline "1024x768@100" 113.309 1024 1096 1208 1392 768 769 772 814 +hsync +vsync
# 1152x864 @ 60Hz
# Modeline "1152x864@60" 81.642 1152 1216 1336 1520 864 865 868 895 +hsync +vsync
# 1152x864 @ 85Hz
# Modeline "1152x864@85" 119.651 1152 1224 1352 1552 864 865 868 907 +hsync +vsync
# 1152x864 @ 100Hz
# Modeline "1152x864@100" 143.472 1152 1232 1360 1568 864 865 868 915 +hsync +vsync
# 1280x960 @ 75Hz
# Modeline "1280x960@75" 129.859 1280 1368 1504 1728 960 961 964 1002 +hsync +vsync
# 1280x960 @ 100Hz
# Modeline "1280x960@100" 178.992 1280 1376 1520 1760 960 961 964 1017  +hsync +vsync
# SXGA @ 100Hz
# Modeline "1280x1024@100" 190.960 1280 1376 1520 1760 1024 1025 1028 1085 +hsync +vsync
# SPEA GDM-1950 (60Hz,64kHz,110MHz,-,-): 1280x1024 @ V-freq: 60.00 Hz, H-freq: 63.73 KHz
# Modeline "GDM-1950"  109.62  1280 1336 1472 1720  1024 1024 1026 1062 -hsync -vsync
# 1600x1000 @ 60Hz
# Modeline "1600x1000" 133.142 1600 1704 1872 2144 1000 1001 1004 1035 +hsync +vsync
# 1600x1000 @ 75Hz
# Modeline "1600x1000" 169.128 1600 1704 1880 2160 1000 1001 1004 1044 +hsync +vsync
# 1600x1000 @ 85Hz
# Modeline "1600x1000" 194.202 1600 1712 1888 2176 1000 1001 1004 1050 +hsync +vsync
# 1600x1000 @ 100Hz
# Modeline "1600x1000" 232.133 1600 1720 1896 2192 1000 1001 1004 1059 +hsync +vsync
# 1600x1024 @ 60Hz
# Modeline "1600x1024" 136.385 1600 1704 1872 2144 1024 1027 1030 1060 +hsync +vsync
# 1600x1024 @ 75Hz
# Modeline "1600x1024" 174.416 1600 1712 1888 2176 1024 1025 1028 1069 +hsync +vsync
# 1600x1024 @ 76Hz
# Modeline "1600x1024" 170.450 1600 1632 1792 2096 1024 1027 1030 1070 +hsync +vsync
# 1600x1024 @ 85Hz
# Modeline "1600x1024" 198.832 1600 1712 1888 2176 1024 1027 1030 1075 +hsync +vsync
# 1920x1080 @ 60Hz
# Modeline "1920x1080" 172.798 1920 2040 2248 2576 1080 1081 1084 1118 -hsync -vsync
# 1920x1080 @ 75Hz
# Modeline "1920x1080" 211.436 1920 2056 2264 2608 1080 1081 1084 1126 +hsync +vsync
# 1920x1200 @ 60Hz
# Modeline "1920x1200" 193.156 1920 2048 2256 2592 1200 1201 1203 1242 +hsync +vsync
# 1920x1200 @ 75Hz
# Modeline "1920x1200" 246.590 1920 2064 2272 2624 1200 1201 1203 1253 +hsync +vsync
# 2048x1536 @ 60
# Modeline "2048x1536" 266.952 2048 2200 2424 2800 1536 1537 1540 1589 +hsync +vsync
# 2048x1536 @ 60
# Modeline "2048x1536" 266.952 2048 2200 2424 2800 1536 1537 1540 1589 +hsync +vsync
# 1400x1050 @ 60Hz M9 Laptop mode
# ModeLine "1400x1050" 122.000 1400 1488 1640 1880 1050 1052 1064 1082 +hsync +vsync
# 1920x2400 @ 25Hz for IBM T221, VS VP2290 and compatible display devices
# Modeline "1920x2400@25" 124.620 1920 1928 1980 2048 2400 2401 2403 2434 +hsync +vsync
# 1920x2400 @ 30Hz for IBM T221, VS VP2290 and compatible display devices
# Modeline "1920x2400@30" 149.250 1920 1928 1982 2044 2400 2402 2404 2434 +hsync +vsync


# **************************************************  ********************
# Graphics device section
# **************************************************  ********************

# Any number of graphics device sections may be present

# Standard VGA Device:

Section "Device"
    Identifier  "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 (RV350 AS)"
    VendorName  "Unknown"
    BoardName   "Unknown"

# The chipset line is optional in most cases.  It can be used to override
# the driver's chipset detection, and should not normally be specified.

#    Chipset     "generic"

# The Driver line must be present.  When using run-time loadable driver
# modules, this line instructs the server to load the specified driver
# module.  Even when not using loadable driver modules, this line
# indicates which driver should interpret the information in this section.

    Driver      "fglrx"
# The BusID line is used to specify which of possibly multiple devices
# this section is intended for.  When this line isn't present, a device
# section can only match up with the primary video device.  For PCI
# devices a line like the following could be used.  This line should not
# normally be included unless there is more than one video device
# installed.

#    BusID       "PCI:0:10:0"

#    VideoRam    256

#    Clocks      25.2 28.3


# === ATI device section ===

Section "Device"
    Identifier                          "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 (RV350 AS)"
    Driver                              "fglrx"
    BusID            "PCI:1:0:0"
# ### generic DRI settings ###
# === disable PnP Monitor  ===
    #Option                              "NoDDC"
# === disable/enable XAA/DRI ===
    Option "no_accel"                   "no"
    Option "no_dri"                     "no"
# === misc DRI settings ===
    Option "mtrr"                       "off" # disable DRI mtrr mapper, driver has its own code for mtrr
# ### FireGL DDX driver module specific settings ###
# === Screen Management ===
    Option "DesktopSetup"               "0x00000000"
    Option "MonitorLayout"              "AUTO, AUTO"
    Option "IgnoreEDID"                 "off"
    Option "HSync2"                     "unspecified"
    Option "VRefresh2"                  "unspecified"
    Option "ScreenOverlap"              "0"
# === TV-out Management ===
    Option "NoTV"                       "yes"    
    Option "TVStandard"                 "NTSC-M"    
    Option "TVHSizeAdj"                 "0"    
    Option "TVVSizeAdj"                 "0"    
    Option "TVHPosAdj"                  "0"    
    Option "TVVPosAdj"                  "0"    
    Option "TVHStartAdj"                "0"    
    Option "TVColorAdj"                 "0"    
    Option "GammaCorrectionI"           "0x00000000"
    Option "GammaCorrectionII"          "0x00000000"
# === OpenGL specific profiles/settings ===
    Option "Capabilities"               "0x00000000"
# === Video Overlay for the Xv extension ===
    Option "VideoOverlay"               "on"
# === OpenGL Overlay ===
# Note: When OpenGL Overlay is enabled, Video Overlay
#       will be disabled automatically
    Option "OpenGLOverlay"              "off"
# === Center Mode (Laptops only) ===
    Option "CenterMode"                 "off"
# === Pseudo Color Visuals (8-bit visuals) ===
    Option "PseudoColorVisuals"         "off"
# === QBS Management ===
    Option "Stereo"                     "off"
    Option "StereoSyncEnable"           "1"
# === FSAA Management ===
    Option "FSAAEnable"                 "no"
    Option "FSAAScale"                  "1"
    Option "FSAADisableGamma"           "no"
    Option "FSAACustomizeMSPos"         "no"
    Option "FSAAMSPosX0"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosY0"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosX1"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosY1"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosX2"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosY2"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosX3"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosY3"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosX4"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosY4"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosX5"                "0.000000"
    Option "FSAAMSPosY5"                "0.000000"
# === Misc Options ===
    Option "UseFastTLS"                 "2"
    Option "BlockSignalsOnLock"         "on"
    Option "UseInternalAGPGART"         "yes"
    Option "ForceGenericCPU"            "no"
#    BusID "PCI:1:0:0"    # no device found at config time
    Screen 0

# **************************************************  ********************
# Screen sections
# **************************************************  ********************

# Any number of screen sections may be present.  Each describes
# the configuration of a single screen.  A single specific screen section
# may be specified from the X server command line with the "-screen"
# option.
Section "Screen"
    Identifier  "Screen0"
    Device      "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 (RV350 AS)"
    Monitor     "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    #Option "backingstore"

    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1280x1024" "1280x960" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
        ViewPort    0 0  # initial origin if mode is smaller than desktop
#        Virtual     1280 1024

# **************************************************  ********************
# ServerLayout sections.
# **************************************************  ********************

# Any number of ServerLayout sections may be present.  Each describes
# the way multiple screens are organised.  A specific ServerLayout
# section may be specified from the X server command line with the
# "-layout" option.  In the absence of this, the first section is used.
# When now ServerLayout section is present, the first Screen section
# is used alone.

Section "ServerLayout"

# The Identifier line must be present
    Identifier  "Server Layout"

# Each Screen line specifies a Screen section name, and optionally
# the relative position of other screens.  The four names after
# primary screen name are the screens to the top, bottom, left and right
# of the primary screen.

    Screen "Screen0"

# Each InputDevice line specifies an InputDevice section name and
# optionally some options to specify the way the device is to be
# used.  Those options include "CorePointer", "CoreKeyboard" and
# "SendCoreEvents".

    InputDevice "Mouse1" "CorePointer"
    InputDevice "Keyboard1" "CoreKeyboard"


### EOF ###

Indetifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 (RV350 AS)" i Device "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 (RV350 AS)" wpisalem sam ale nic nie pomoglo karta nadal nie wykrywana poprawnie (zreszta tak sie spodziewalem to tylko nazwy)


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2005-08-04, 20:45:52 »
U mnie  zeby karta uzywala sprzetowego 3D a nie mesy to musze ponizszy parametr na "no" ustawic tzn sterownik ma korzystac z zewnetrznego sterownika agp czyli tego z kernela.

Option "UseInternalAGPGART"         "no"

Moze u ciebie powinno byc tak samo.


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #5 dnia: 2005-08-05, 07:46:25 »
2005-08-04 20:45:52 greg000 napisał:

> U mnie  zeby karta uzywala sprzetowego 3D a nie mesy to musze ponizszy parametr na
 > "no" ustawic tzn sterownik ma korzystac z zewnetrznego sterownika agp czyli tego z
 > kernela.
 > Option "UseInternalAGPGART"         "no"
 > Moze u ciebie powinno byc tak samo.
 Dzieki za info sprobuje tak samo zrobic moze cos to da.


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #6 dnia: 2005-08-05, 08:07:59 »
2005-08-05 07:46:25 .kaijitsu napisał:

> 2005-08-04 20:45:52 greg000 napisał:
 > > U mnie  zeby karta uzywala sprzetowego 3D a nie mesy to musze ponizszy parametr na
 >  > "no" ustawic tzn sterownik ma korzystac z zewnetrznego sterownika agp czyli
 > tego z
 >  > kernela.
 >  >
 >  > Option "UseInternalAGPGART"         "no"
 >  >
 >  > Moze u ciebie powinno byc tak samo.
 >  >  
 >  Dzieki za info sprobuje tak samo zrobic moze cos to da.

Zmienilem ta linijke i nic to mi nie dalo nadal :( a w ATI Control nadal mam OpenGL vendor string Mesa


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #7 dnia: 2005-08-05, 09:28:46 »
To w takim razie sproboj na nowo przekompilowac kernela i wylacz  DRM w nim (albo skompiluj jako modul) bo to jest czesto przyczyna ze fglrx korzysta z mesy.
Nie zalamuj sie ja tez dlugo wlaczylem ale z kernelem 2.6.12 i udalo sie :)


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #8 dnia: 2005-08-05, 10:20:31 »
2005-08-05 09:28:46 greg000 napisał:

> To w takim razie sproboj na nowo przekompilowac kernela i wylacz  DRM w nim (albo skompiluj jako
 > modul) bo to jest czesto przyczyna ze fglrx korzysta z mesy.
 > Nie zalamuj sie ja tez dlugo wlaczylem ale z kernelem 2.6.12 i udalo sie :)
A moglbys mi z tym pomoc gdyz jestem dosc newbie jesli moglbys to na jakis komunikator chciaz dac mi jakies pierwsze wskazowki jak zaczac z tym. gg: 9122793 / tlen: kaijitsu / jid:


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Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #9 dnia: 2005-08-05, 11:47:56 »
Podaj mi tylko jak wylaczyc DRM wydaje mi sie ze to w tym problem gdyz zrobilem wszystko tak jak podaja userzy poza jedna rzecza DRM (DRI ma cos z tym wspolnego? bo u mnie z nim jest wlasnie blad w Xorg0.log).


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Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #10 dnia: 2005-08-05, 21:20:16 »
Jezeli DRM jest walczone w jadrze to musisz przekompilowac go na nowo z wylaczona opcja (ewent. wlaczona jako modul).

W razie problemow pomocne sa tez logi z ompilacji fglrx oraz z ladowania X'ow.



  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #11 dnia: 2005-08-05, 21:40:29 »
2005-08-05 21:20:16 greg000 napisał:

> Jezeli DRM jest walczone w jadrze to musisz przekompilowac go na nowo z wylaczona opcja (ewent.
 > wlaczona jako modul).
 > W razie problemow pomocne sa tez logi z ompilacji fglrx oraz z ladowania X'ow.
 > Pozdr
Sorka ale ja jestem newbie bylbys w stanie mnie jakos pokierowac (na jakims komunikatorze) chodzi tylko o najwieksze podstawy i pomoc w starcie (reszty sam poszukam w necie). gg:9122793 / tlen: kaijitsu /jid:


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #12 dnia: 2005-08-05, 22:50:55 »
Udalo mi sie znalesc kolejny tutorial i teraz jedynym problemem jest punkt 5 gdyz po jego wykonaniu otrzymuje komunikat w konsoli:

ATI module generator V 2.0
patching 'highmem.h'...
assuming new VMA API since we do have kernel 2.6.x...
doing Makefile based build for kernel 2.6.x and higher
/bin/sh: gcc: command not found
/bin/sh: gcc: command not found
ln: `./libfglrx_ip.a.GCC': Plik istnieje
make: *** [libfglrx_ip.a.GCC] Błąd 1
build failed with return value 2

Tutorial mozna znalesc na stronie Jesli ktos moze mi pomoc w naprawie tego bledu bylbym wdzieczny.


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #13 dnia: 2005-08-06, 09:44:18 »
> /bin/sh: gcc: command not found
 > /bin/sh: gcc: command not found

 No tak pisze jak byk, brak kompilatora gcc. Musisz zainstalowac gcc zeby wogole sterowniki do ati zainstalowac bo bez tego sie nie da. Jak sie ta paczka dokladnie w ubuntu nazywa to niestety nie wiem. Wiec moze obejdzie sie bez rekompilacji kernela.


  • Gość
Sterowiki Radeon
« Odpowiedź #14 dnia: 2005-08-06, 13:53:06 »
2005-08-06 09:44:18 greg000 napisał:

>  > /bin/sh: gcc: command not found
 >  > /bin/sh: gcc: command not found
 >  No tak pisze jak byk, brak kompilatora gcc. Musisz zainstalowac gcc zeby wogole sterowniki do
 > ati zainstalowac bo bez tego sie nie da. Jak sie ta paczka dokladnie w ubuntu nazywa to
 > niestety nie wiem. Wiec moze obejdzie sie bez rekompilacji kernela.
Dobra sterowniki dzialaja dziekuje Ci bardzo za pomoc i cierpliwosc, jednak obylo sie bez kompilowania jadra systemu.

Jesli jestes posiadaczem karty ATi ten tutorial rozwiaze z nimi problemy