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Autor Wątek: Podlaczanie kienta Linux do AD  (Przeczytany 2055 razy)


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Podlaczanie kienta Linux do AD
« dnia: 2008-06-12, 16:08:37 »
Podlaczam klienta Linuxa do AD SBS 2K3.

Linux potwierdza podlacznei do domeny. Niestety jednak kiedy probuje zalogowac sie ze stacji Linuxa otrzymuje alert ze konto zostalo zablokowane.

W logach SBS SK3 mam info:

Event Type: Error
Event Source: NETLOGON
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5723
Date: 6/12/2008
Time: 11:52:07 AM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The session setup from computer 'REDHAT' failed because the security database does not contain a trust account 'REDHAT$' referenced by the specified computer.

If this is the first occurrence of this event for the specified computer and account, this may be a transient issue that doesn't require any action at this time. Otherwise, the following steps may be taken to resolve this problem:

If 'REDHAT$' is a legitimate machine account for the computer 'REDHAT', then 'REDHAT' should be rejoined to the domain.

If 'REDHAT$' is a legitimate interdomain trust account, then the trust should be recreated.

Otherwise, assuming that 'REDHAT$' is not a legitimate account, the following action should be taken on 'REDHAT':

If 'REDHAT' is a Domain Controller, then the trust associated with 'REDHAT$' should be deleted.

If 'REDHAT' is not a Domain Controller, it should be disjoined from the domain.


Event Type: Error
Event Source: NETLOGON
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5805
Date: 6/12/2008
Time: 11:58:12 AM
User: N/A
Computer: SERVER1
The session setup from the computer REDHAT failed to authenticate. The following error occurred:
Access is denied.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
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