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Autor Wątek: Komunikaty z GSmart - dysk systemowy  (Przeczytany 2269 razy)


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Komunikaty z GSmart - dysk systemowy
« dnia: 2010-09-09, 09:58:56 »
Witam! Programem do diagnostyki GSmart wykryło mi 2. błędy;

Error in ATA Error Log structure: checksum error.
Checksum errors indicate that SMART data is invalit. This shouldn't happen in narmal circumstances.
Warning: The drive may have a broken implementation of SMART, or it's failing.

I błąd nr. 140.
Number of errors in error log. Note: Some manufacturers may list completely harmless errors in this log (e.g., command invalid, not implemented, etc...).
Warning: The drive is reporting internal errors. Usually this means uncorrectable data loss and similar severe errors. Check the actual errors for details.
I jest kilka register na liście.

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