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Autor Wątek: Legend of mir3 - problem  (Przeczytany 2840 razy)

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Legend of mir3 - problem
« dnia: 2005-11-30, 19:01:32 »
witam. jestem swiezy w temacie ale postaram sie wytlumaczyc o co mi chodzi. chce odpalic mir3 czyli mmorpg'a na mandrivie 2005 le. uaktualnilem repozytoria po czym zainstalowalem z nich wine. ale odpalic gry nie moge - pokazuja mi sie takie bledy:

wine mir3.exe
Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
fixme:keyboard:RegisterHotKey (0x10024,0,0x00000001,115): stub
fixme:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel (0x7bc87750)->(00000000,00000008
err:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_QueryInterface Application requests a Direct3D interfa
ce but dynamic OpenGL support loading failed !
err:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_QueryInterface (0x7bc87928)->({f5049e77-4861-11d2-a407
-00a0c90629a8},0x7babfad4): no interface
err:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_QueryInterface Application requests a Direct3D interfa
ce but dynamic OpenGL support loading failed !
err:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_QueryInterface (0x7bc87ab0)->({f5049e77-4861-11d2-a407
-00a0c90629a8},0x7babfad4): no interface
fixme:ddraw:DirectDrawEnumerateExA no non-display devices supported.
fixme:ddraw:DirectDrawEnumerateExA no detached secondary devices supported.
fixme:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel (0x7bc87f28)->(00010024,00000013
fixme:xrandr:X11DRV_XRandR_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 16
fixme:xrandr:X11DRV_XRandR_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 16
err:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_QueryInterface Application requests a Direct3D interfa
ce but dynamic OpenGL support loading failed !
err:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_QueryInterface (0x7bc87f28)->({f5049e77-4861-11d2-a407
-00a0c90629a8},0x9186ac): no interface
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should no
t use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:win:SetWindowTextA setting text "" of other process window (nil) should not use SendMessage
fixme:avifile:AVIFileExit (): stub!
fixme:avifile:AVIFileExit (): stub!
fixme:avifile:AVIFileExit (): stub!
fixme:avifile:AVIFileExit (): stub!
fixme:ddraw:Main_DirectDraw_SetCooperativeLevel (0x7bc87f28)->(00010024,00000008)

to pokazuje sie w konsoli, a w oknie mira ktore na pojaiwa sie na chwile, cos takiego:

{DXGDriverEnumCallbackEx]Can't query IDirect3D7 during enumeration

Cannot use 3D Hardware acceleration

[CWHDXGraphicWindow::Create]DirectGraphic create failed

to chyba cos z direct3d ale ja nie wiem jak zrobic zeby dzialalo.prosze o pomoc. z gory dzieki

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Legend of mir3 - problem
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2005-12-02, 17:01:48 »
Po 1  wyglada na to ze nie masz zainstalowanych sterownikow od karty graficznej.
Po 2 nie wiem czy ta gra w ogole zadziala pod wine.