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Autor Wątek: Problem z Vuze  (Przeczytany 3980 razy)


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Problem z Vuze
« dnia: 2009-09-06, 07:53:39 »
Po zainstalowaniu i wstępnej konfiguracji przy pobieranym torrencie mam żółte słoneczko

oznacza, że tracker działa, jesteś z kimś połączony, ale nie posiadasz zdalnego połączenia. Możesz mieć problem z NATem, jeśli twoje torrenty mają cały czas status żółty.
W konfiguracji vuze mam ustawione

W konfiguracji zapory mam ustawione

W routerze mam ustawione przekazywanie portów

Gdy puściłem testowanie połączenie w Vuze to mi wywaliło

Test starting
Default public address is 83.X.XXX.XXX
Testing routing for the following interfaces:
    eth0/eth0: 10.x.x.x
Can't run ping test as not supported
Can't run trace route test as not supported
0 NAT devices found
No SOCKS proxy found
No HTTP proxy found
No explicit bind address set
Testing HTTP outbound
    Test successful
Testing TCP outbound
    Test successful
Testing UDP outbound
    Test successful
Testing TCP port 55555 inbound
    Test successful
Testing UDP port 55555 inbound
    Sending outbound packet and waiting for reply probe (timeout=5000)
    Sending completion event
    Test successful
Testing HTTP port 55554 inbound
    Test successful
1 public/external addresses found
    AS details: as=5617,asn=TPNET Polish Telecom_s commercial IP network, bgp_prefx=[/]
Distributed protocol test
  Incoming routing established for BAC2470A1E9772710EC8B51E7E313921AD50205F
  Searching 32 contacts for 8 test targets
  Making outbound connection to /
  (LL 1) Outbound connect start
  Making outbound connection to /
  Making outbound connection to /
  (LS 2) Outbound connect start
  (LL 3) Outbound connect start
  Making outbound connection to /
  (LS 4) Outbound connect start
  Making outbound connection to /
  (LL 5) Outbound connect start
  Making outbound connection to /
  (LS 6) Outbound connect start
  Making outbound connection to /
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 8) Inbound connect start
  (RL 8) Inbound connect success
  (LL 1) Outbound connect success
  (LL 7) Outbound connect start
  (LL 1) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 8) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  Making outbound connection to /
  Making outbound connection to /
  (RL 8) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 8) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 10) Outbound connect start
  (LL 9) Outbound connect start
  (LS 2) Outbound connect success
  (LS 2) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 1) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 1) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  Making outbound connection to /
  Making outbound connection to /
  (LL 1) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 11) Outbound connect start
  (LS 12) Outbound connect start
  Making outbound connection to /
  (RL 8) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 13) Outbound connect start
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 14) Inbound connect start
  (RL 14) Inbound connect success
  (LS 6) Outbound connect success
  (LS 6) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 14) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 14) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 14) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 15) Inbound connect start
  (RL 15) Inbound connect success
  (RL 15) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 15) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 15) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 16) Inbound connect start
  (RL 16) Inbound connect success
  (RL 16) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 16) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 16) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 17) Inbound connect start
  (RL 17) Inbound connect success
  (LS 4) Outbound connect success
  (RL 17) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 17) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 17) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 4) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 6) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 2) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 6) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 2) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 6) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 2) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 18) Inbound connect start
  (RL 18) Inbound connect success
  (RL 15) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (RL 18) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 11) Outbound connect success
  (RL 18) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 18) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 11) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 19) Inbound connect start
  (RL 19) Inbound connect success
  (RL 19) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 10) Outbound connect success
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 20) Inbound connect start
  (RL 20) Inbound connect success
  (LL 7) Outbound connect success
  (RL 19) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 19) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 10) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 7) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 20) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 12) Outbound connect success
  (RL 20) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 20) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 12) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 21) Inbound connect start
  (RL 21) Inbound connect success
  (RL 21) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 21) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 21) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 3) Outbound connect success
  (LL 3) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 16) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (RL 14) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 12) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 7) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 10) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 11) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 4) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LS 12) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 7) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 10) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 11) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 4) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 12) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 7) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 10) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 11) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LS 4) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (RL 20) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (RL 21) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (RL 19) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (RL 18) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 3) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 17) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 3) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 3) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 22) Inbound connect start
  (RL 22) Inbound connect success
  (RL 22) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 22) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 22) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 5) Outbound connect success
  (LL 5) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 22) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 5) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 5) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 5) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 9) Outbound connect success
  (LL 9) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 13) Outbound connect success
  (LL 13) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 9) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 9) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 9) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 13) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (LL 13) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  (LL 13) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  Searching complete, 12 targets found
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 23) Inbound connect start
  (RL 23) Inbound connect success
  (RL 23) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 23) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 23) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
    Status: sessions=23, out_attempts=12, out_connect=12, in_connect=11
  (RL 23) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
  Got incoming connection from /
  (RL 24) Inbound connect start
  (RL 24) Inbound connect success
  (RL 24) Incoming message received: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 24) Outgoing message sent: BT_HANDSHAKE
  (RL 24) Outgoing message sent: BT_BITFIELD
  (RL 24) Incoming message received: BT_BITFIELD
    Status: sessions=24, out_attempts=12, out_connect=12, in_connect=12
  Destroying tester
Test complete
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Seed,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Outbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
    Inbound,Leecher,connected, hand sent, hand recv, bitf sent, bitf recv
  Incoming routing destroyed for BAC2470A1E9772710EC8B51E7E313921AD50205F
  (LL 1) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LS 2) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LL 3) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LS 4) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LL 5) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LS 6) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LL 7) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 8) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LL 9) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LS 10) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LL 11) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LS 12) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (LL 13) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 14) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 15) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 16) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 17) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 18) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 19) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 20) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 21) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 22) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 23) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 24) Outgoing message sent: BT_HAVE
  (RL 15) Closing connection
  (LS 6) Closing connection
  (RL 24) Closing connection
  (LL 9) Closing connection
  (LL 5) Closing connection
  (RL 22) Closing connection
  (RL 18) Closing connection
  (RL 19) Closing connection
  (RL 21) Closing connection
  (LS 4) Closing connection
  (LL 11) Closing connection
  (LL 7) Closing connection
  (LS 12) Closing connection
  (RL 14) Closing connection
  (RL 16) Closing connection
  (LS 2) Closing connection
  (RL 23) Closing connection
  (LL 13) Closing connection
  (LL 3) Closing connection
  (RL 17) Closing connection
  (LS 10) Closing connection
  (RL 8) Closing connection
  (LL 1) Closing connection
  (RL 20) Closing connection
Brakuje mi już pomysłów. Co jest nie tak? :(


  • Gość
Problem z Vuze
« Odpowiedź #1 dnia: 2009-09-06, 08:39:20 »
Ja nigdy w połączeniach za wiele nie grzebię. Mam praktycznie domyślne ustawienia z niewielkimi zmianami. Wyłącz HTTP i za fajkuj resztę w źródłach peerów i sieciach. Porty mam co prawda inne bo 30226 ale śmiga bez zająknięcia. Mam Neostradę. Otwarłem porty w ruterze i w zaporze. Nie wiem czy nie przekombinowałeś z ustawieniami.


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Problem z Vuze
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2009-09-06, 21:26:51 »
Cytat: szalkowski1
Ja nigdy w połączeniach za wiele nie grzebię. Mam praktycznie domyślne ustawienia z niewielkimi zmianami. Wyłącz HTTP i za fajkuj resztę w źródłach peerów i sieciach.
Nie pomogło

Masz u siebie zieloną buźkę?


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Problem z Vuze
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2009-09-07, 15:16:57 »
Tak u mnie jest zielona buźka i w teście NAT też wszystko ok.


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Problem z Vuze
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2009-09-07, 15:31:40 »
Napisz jeszcze kto jest dostawcą internetu bo może być tak że dostawca blokuje.