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Autor Wątek: Bledy przy instalacji nakladki dotykowej  (Przeczytany 5018 razy)


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Bledy przy instalacji nakladki dotykowej
« dnia: 2007-09-15, 03:02:22 »
Witam. Jestem swierzy w temacie linuxa ale potrzebuje pilnie zainstalowac sterowniki do nakladki dotykowej. Na kompie mam zainstalowanego PCLinuxa 2007 a nakladke dotykowa mam firmy 3M gdzie sterowini do niej sa na stronie
Do tej pory doszedlem do tego ze zaden z RPMow nie chce sie zainstalowac. Moge tylko cos podzialac z TouchWare 5.64 SR1 for Linux Source/Object Kit (Source RPM) . Moze opisze co robie i co mi wychodzi na koniec.
Wiec wypakowuje zipa, wpisuje rpm -ivh TWDrv-5.64-1.0.src.rpm a nastepnie rpmbuild -ba TWDrv.spec i przy koncu dosteje komunikat o dwoch bledach przez co nie tworzy mi sie paczka instalacyjna
Oto ten komunikat

In file included from /usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c:8:
include/asm/io.h: In function 'check_signature':
include/asm/io.h:245: warning: wrong type argument to increment
/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c:12:35: error: linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h: No such file or directory
/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c: At top level:
/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c:108: error: expected ')' before string constant
/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c:112: error: expected ')' before string constant
/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c:120: error: expected ')' before string constant
/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c:124: error: expected ')' before string constant
/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.c:128: error: expected ')' before string constant
make[3]: *** [/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit/TWDriver.o] Błąd 1
make[2]: *** [_module_/usr/src/rpm/BUILD/TWDrv-5.64/TwDrvKit] Błąd 2
make[1]: *** [default] Błąd 2
make: *** [makeit] Błąd 2
błąd: Błędny status wyjścia z /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.12565 (%build)

Błędy budowania RPM-a:
    Błędny status wyjścia z /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.12565 (%build)

Leze i kwicze. Moze bedziecie mogli mi pomoc bo ja wymiekam.
Pozdrawiam i dzieki za kazde info.


  • Gość
Bledy przy instalacji nakladki dotykowej
« Odpowiedź #2 dnia: 2007-09-15, 10:13:02 »
Kurcze nie wiem bo w linuxie siedze dopiero drugi dzien.
Jak mam sprawdzic czy mam cos takiego a jezeli nie to skad mam to zrodlo sciagnac i jak zainstalowac.
Jak mozesz napisz mi po kolei co mam zrobic.


  • Gość
Bledy przy instalacji nakladki dotykowej
« Odpowiedź #3 dnia: 2007-09-22, 22:08:34 »

Pytanie o sposób instalowania pakietów... jest tak zasadnicze ze nie wypada go zadawać ale...

Pierwszy hit z [googla] na [pclinuxos installing packages]

wpisujesz synaptic (lub klikasz z menu)
pakiet bedzie sie nazywał:
lub coś w tym stylu



  • Gość
Bledy przy instalacji nakladki dotykowej
« Odpowiedź #4 dnia: 2008-02-08, 16:06:37 »
3m Engineering Note:
The TouchWare for Linux Software, part of the MicroTouch™ Software Suite, uses a kernel module for the Linux kernel 2.4 and 2.6 operating system. This module is responsible for communicating with the touch screen controllers in a touch system.
This document details known issues with kernel module not jet resolved or incorporated into released product.  It gives basic steps to resolve the problems on users’ site, and describes suggested changes required on source RPMs.
The document first covers a build process of the kernel module and structure of source RPM. It explains how to customize the Source RPM and deploy it on target systems with new changes. The list of known issues will follow including problem description and details about system affected.  
Source RPM Build and Structure
TouchWare package is in form of Source RPM and main reason for this is Kernel module included in this package. In one Linux system the kernel module needs to be built and linked against current kernel version, and since Linux has vast number of kernel versions available we decided to allow users to build our package against their version. Now with every new version it is possible to hit a situation where kernel module will not build or will not load on target system.
After initial installation of source RPM into build directory (usually “/usr/src/”) the building binary RPM (all this is described in Readme file included in package) will have either failure while building or while installing binary RPM. In both cases you will have to investigate in more details what and where in process the errors were happening. In case of build error the command line output will give more information what file did fail to build. If binary RPM build successfully but after installing it kernel module did not load, you can check this by issuing “lsmod” in command line and look for TWDrv, check “/var/log/messages” file for errors related to TWDrv (“invalid module format”, “unresolved sysmbols”, etc).
Customization of Source RPM
To make changes on source RPM you will have to extract TWDrvSoureces.tgz file (usually found in “/usr/src//SOURCES” directory) in temporary directory “/usr/tmp/mytemp”. After extracting sources change directory to “/usr/src/mytemp” and you will see directories and files from our package. One of the directories is TwDrvKit where the kernel module files are located. Make needed changes on TWDriver.c file. Test build it by issuing make command, and insert module with “insmod TWDrv.ko”.
If the changes were acceptable, change directory to “/usr/tmp/mytemp” and issue “tar –czf TWDrvSources.tgz *” (it is * for all files in current directory). Copy newly created .tgz file into SOURCES directory and build binary RPM again. For more questions about RPM customization consult Linux RPM documentation.

List of Known Issues:
In the list of known issues we will include distribution and kernel version, short description of problem and possible solution.
Fedora Core 5 kernel version 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5
This particular issue is probably only related to this specific kernel version. The package builds without error but after installation the kernel module fails to load. The log file contains following error related to TWDrv module: “unresolved symbol print_tainted”. The reason of failure is that function was not compiled into kernel.
Resolution: Change TWDriver.c file:
After the line:
static void TWDrv_ReleaseOpenLock (DEVICE_EXTENSION * pDevExit);
Add line
const char *print_tainted(void){ return NULL;};
This change is probably not needed for future kernel releases.
Fedora Core 5 kernel version 2.6.17-1.2157_FC5
CentOS 4.2  kernel version
In this case the kernel module fails to build. The build errors point to TWDriver.c file starting line 108 “error: expected ')' before string constant”. The reason for this failure is change in kernel include files against which the module is built. The macro MODULE_PARM does not exist anymore.
Resolution:  Replace all MODULE_PARAM macros with new function call in TWDriver.c file:
1. Replace Lines:
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_pszSerialPath, "s");
With lines:
module_param(TWDrv_pszSerialPath, charp, 0000);
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_pszSerialPath, "s");
2. Replace Line:
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nMaxSerial, "i");
With lines:
module_param(TWDrv_nMaxSerial, int, 0000);
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nMaxSerial, "i");
3. Replace Line:
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nMajorNumber, "i");
With lines:
module_param(TWDrv_nMajorNumber, int, 0000);
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nMajorNumber, "i");
4. Replace Line:
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nMinSerial, "i");
With lines:
module_param(TWDrv_nMinSerial, int, 0000);
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nMinSerial, "i");
5. Replace Line:
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nSerialTimeOut, "i");
With lines:
module_param(TWDrv_nSerialTimeOut, int, 0000);
MODULE_PARM (TWDrv_nSerialTimeOut, "i");

In addition to the previous changes the both distributions require changes to accommodate Xfree86 switch to Xorg. The binary driver will work but the driver’s installation tree has changed.  

Resolution:  In order to resolve this change TWDrv.spec file in SPECS directory before building binary RPM and new source RPM.
The changes in spec file are:
1. After line 81 (in "%install" section) add following two lines:

mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input
install -o root -g root -m444 Xfree4.0.3/TWXinput_drv.o  ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input

2. After line 173 in original file (in %files section) add one line:
After completing all the changes rebuild binary RPM and new source RPM with following command:

   rpmbuld  -ba TWDrv.spec

Latest kernel from starting with version 2.6.18
This particular issue is probably related to all newer kernel versions. The build errors point to TWDriver.c file with message “devfs_fs_kernel.h” file not found.
Resolution: Change TWDriver.c file:
Find and delete the line:
#include ;

MicroTouch, the MicroTouch logo, and ClearTek are either registered trademarks or trademarks of 3M in the United States and/or other countries.  Windows and/or other Microsoft products referenced herein are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.